How Can a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) Help with PCI Compliance?

Keeping up with PCI compliance (Payment Card Industry Data Security) standards can be difficult to navigate. Small to medium-sized companies can run their own internal cyber security but sometimes it is more efficient and even cheaper to engage a great MSSP that can guarantee they have your back against hackers.
What is PCI Compliance?
PCI compliance applies to any size merchant that accepts, processes, stores, and transmits credit card transactions and data. Knowing what is PCI compliant can save your company money and save yourself aggravation and time.
There are 12 compliance requirements as set forth by the PCI Security Standards Council to protect your cardholder data. Payment card brands enforce compliance, while the Council governs the standards. Your acquirer, or payment brand, can identify your precise compliance requirements.
Compliance is an ongoing process. It’s not a static one-time achievement. You must remain diligent in maintaining standards and compliance.
The 3 Basic Adherence Steps for PCI Compliance
1. Assessment
Review all possible points of vulnerability.
2. Repair
Fix the vulnerabilities, ensuring there is no unneeded data stored.
3. Report
Document details and report to compliance entities.
This is a continuous loop that will minimize vulnerabilities.
12-Point PCI Compliance Data Security Standard
- Maintain firewall configuration – based on organization’s business and compliance requirements and reviewed in advance.
- System passwords cannot be vendor defaults – no blank SA passwords!
- Stored cardholder data must be protected – know where your credit card data is processed and if/where it is stored!
- Cardholder data that travels across open public networks must be encrypted.
- Protect systems from any malicious programs, updating anti-virus and malware software programs routinely – and prove it!
- Make certain all applications and systems are secured.
- Secure cardholder data by way of the need to know only.
- All system component access must be authenticated.
- Physical access to cardholder data is restricted.
- Access to network systems and cardholder data is monitored and tracked.
- Routinely test security systems and all processes.
- Maintain and update an organization-wide system security protocol for all personnel.
Maintaining all 12 points can provide basic cyber-security internally and for all client cardholder data.
Managing Cyber-Attacks
You need to approach the more sophisticated malware that threatens particular merchant and cardholder data. There is no minimizing the impact that hacked credit card data can have on any organization’s bottom line. It is also no coincidence that several large well-diversified companies are acquiring an MSSP to solidify their data security.
Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) know how to find a vulnerability, a way to enter into your so-called secured firewall. It can be through an email, a file, or an application; by inserting the malware into the network your system is compromised.
A Managed Security Services Provider, MSSP, maintains a set of skills designed to uniquely address the evolving and more complex attacks by cyber-criminals. Small and medium-sized companies can clearly understand what PCI compliance is, but achieving the next level of cyber-security is not as straightforward.
An MSSP can offer all their research and cyber solutions an organization may need. Some offer an a la carte approach where you select the solutions particular to your needs.
How Sedara Can Help with PCI Compliance
Sedara helps organizations implement PCI Compliance to improve their cybersecurity programs. Our team will take your information security maturity to the next level with proven methods and expertise.
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